The selfless sacrifice of day-to-day military personnel, especially combat veterans, is underappreciated. And you got the American society wanting to run as fast as they can to the counter shop to the fucking newsstands and grab motherfucking “US Weekly”s and fucking “People” magazine just to see what fucking Jake Gyllenhaal did on Thursday afternoon. You know what I did Thursday afternoon? I put one of my motherfucking Marines on a plane. I put that motherfucker on a bird to fucking nowhere. I picked his lifeless ass-up body, put him on a stretcher and put him off. Why don’t they put that? Why don’t that be in a motherfucking magazine? Or how about let’s put a day in the life of fucking any average Marine out here going through the streets of Ramadi? Their biggest concern is that, you know, they couldn’t buy a mocha latte at fucking Starbucks because it was under construction. Our biggest motherfucking concern is getting blown up on fucking two-niner-five and Michigan. But we’re gonna go home and they’re gonna say, wave their little flag and say, “Welcome home. Thanks for – thanks for preserving our right to go on not giving a fuck.”
There it is, folks. We’re sitting here fighting for your freedoms. You got the right to say what you want. We got the right to punch you in your fucking mouth if we disagree.
-Generation Kill
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