Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Zed Word

Zombies. There are many movies and games about them, and there are people who would honestly love it if there was an actual outbreak. If an actual zombie apocalypse ever occurred, what would be the best way to survive? What would be the top ten things one would need? I've created a list here displaying what I think would be the most essential:

1. M1 Carbine OR M14 (for range, single-fire conserves ammo)
2. Pistol grip 12 Gauge shotgun (for close-quarters)
3. AK-47 (why not have the greatest, most reliable weapon ever created?)
4. .357 Magnum OR Glock 21 .45 (just in case)
5. Machete (never runs out of ammo, also useful for other things)
6. Satellite phone (communicate with other survivors, if any)
7. Canned foods or MREs (must have sustenance)
8. Water (must be hydrated)
9. Pair of binoculars or spotting scope
10. Group of about 3 other survivors

Of course, there are many more things that could be equally vital to one's survival, such as extra ammo, an attack helicopter, a tank, and a pair the size of watermelons and made of adamantium.

Movies of note on the subject include: 28 Days Later (2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004), I Am Legend (2007), 28 Weeks Later (2007), and Day of the Dead (2008). They're good movies not only in the zombie researcher side, but also from the point of view of a movie enthusiast. Also, Shaun of the Dead (2004) is a great comedy with zombies. The new Zombieland (2009) also looks promising.

For fellow zombie buffs out there, don't lose hope. The day might come when you wake up as usual and look outside your bedroom window to find people running from each other, cars crashing, and dark smoke plumes billowing in the distance. Whatever happens, remember: aim for the head.

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