Friday, December 25, 2009

Feliz Na'vi-dad!

Feliz Na'vi-dad from me and all on Pandora!
Merry Christmas 2009! I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Enjoy it with your family and friends, but never forget about the "Christ" in "Christmas". Have a great day! Merry Christmas!
Feliz Na'vi-dad from me and Neytiri!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I have no idea where to start. When I first saw the teaser trailer for this movie, I had no interest in seeing it whatsoever. I then watched the official trailer when it was released, which changed my mind a little. After seeing what the movie was about, it interested me a lot, and so I decided on watching it. Wow. There are only a few single words that come to my mind as I try to describe it to you now: "epic" being the simplist of them. Everything in this movie was so incredibly detailed, from the enviroment to the creatures that inhabited it. On top of the amount of imagination, the story and characters themselves set it a whole bar higher. It had the perfect amount of everything that makes a movie good for me. I found myself wishing it was longer than the near three hours it was. If your a fan of movies such as "The Lord of the Rings", "Star Trek", "Titanic", or "Terminator", or even if you're not, I want you to watch this film. James Cameron did an outstanding job. I only wish that it would be as mind-blowing on DVD as it was in the theatre. It was so effortless for me to get completely absorbed and captivated in this movie and never wanting to come back. I wish I could live on Pandora and become one of the Na'vi. Oh and Neytiri is mine.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Second UFC Fan Expo

Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada

Back in July of 2009, I went to Las Vegas, Nevada to take part of the very first UFC Fan Expo. The picture above was taken by myself when I was up there. It was a complete and total blast, and I was able to meet the following fighters:

Wanderlei Silva
Frank Trigg
Forrest Griffin
Josh Burkman
Keith Jardine
"Rampage" Jackson
Patrick Côté
Gabriel Gonzaga
Efrain Escudero
Marcus Davis
Kimbo Slice

... as well as Anne Rivera (former UFC Octagon Girl) and Arianny Celeste (UFC Octagon Girl). On top of all that, I was able to see in person:

Lyoto Machida
Martin Kampmann
Chuck Liddell
Randy Couture
Josh Koscheck
Gray Maynard
Mauricio "Shogun" Rua
Rashad Evans
Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira
Frank Mir*
Georges St-Pierre*
Edith Labelle (former UFC Octagon Girl)
and many others...
(*Not a part of the UFC Fan Expo, but rather I walked past them in the Mandalay Bay hotel two days before UFC 100)
Now the second UFC Fan Expo has been anounced to take place from May 28-29, 2010, with UFC 114 taking place on May 29 afte the Expo's second day. President Dana White promised in a release announcing the event that the upcoming Fan Expo will take the concept "to the next level". More than 200 companies are expected to exhibit and will feature "apparel, electronic gaming, food and beverages, fight gear, fitness equipment and supplies, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle products."
If you missed the first Expo in 2009, or even if you were able to attend, the second will no doubt be just as great, if not better. Tickets are on sale now, so if you are a MMA and UFC fan, do yourself a favor and fly up to Vegas in May, 2010. You will not regret it.
Below is a short video of the first UFC Fan Expo, and what is expected of the second one in 2010, plus more.

video credits to

Monday, November 23, 2009


I liked this movie a lot. For special effects, I give it an A+. If you've seen "The Day After Tomorrow" or "Knowing", then you'll have an idea of what kind of effects are in the film. The story itself was interesting, as it refers to the end of the world, according to the ancient Mayan calendar. This suggests that the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. I thought the actors/actresses were cast very well also. Once the very first cataclysmic event occurs, the rest of the movie is pretty much non-stop chaos and action, from erupting volcanoes to massive tidal waves and everything in between. Even if you don't believe that the world will indeed end as predicted by the Mayans, this movie is well-worth the watch.

"Law Abiding Citizen"

"Law Abiding Citizen" is not your typical revenge story. It slowly builds up to become a high explosive-fueled vigilante crime and psychological thriller. After Clyde Shelton's (Gerard Butler) wife and daughter are killed in a violent crime in his own home, a plea bargain is made by Clyde's attorney which sets the killer free. Ten years pass, and when the second criminal is about to be put to death via lethal injection, Clyde strikes. In a violent and disturbing "accident", the chemicals were swapped for something a little more "deliberate". The violence doesn't stop there. From prison killing to torture, Clyde swears to kill everyone involved in the deal that set his family's killer free, and being an ex-CIA operative who was a natural tactician and killer, it seems to be a walk in the park. Studying up on law for the past ten years, Clyde gets himsef into jail, yet the killing continues. Some things may seem coincidental or even accidental, but everything that occurs is for a reason and a purporse. Everything in the movie is driving towards one idea, and that's to not make those kinds of deals. If you enjoy intense action/drama thrillers, then I recommend this movie. But be warned, its "R" rating is no joke. There is plenty of strong language and violence for everyone is this film. Think "Taken" meets Some-Other-Intense-But-Psychological-Death-Dealing-Machine movie, and you've got a mental picture. The moral of this is film in the end is: do not make deals with bad guys.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2



With missions that range from Brazil, Russia, a military base in Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, and even America, Modern Warfare 2's single player is in itself an instant hit. The campaign is not as long as Call of Duty 4's, but this is its only drawback. Much of it focuses on a Russian invasion of the United States, especially in the Greater Washington D.C. area. The player will see sights such as the Washington Monument and the White House (called the "Whiskey Hotel" in the game), and the Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


The player starts the game in Afghanistan as US Army Ranger Private Allen. Soon recruited by a General Shephers, Private Allen becomes a CIA operative and is placed in Vladimir Makarov's (one of Zakhaev's former lieutenants) organization as an undercover operative. A surprising mission takes Allen to a Russian airport, where he, Makarov, and a few others must walk through and kill everyone with automatic weapons. Once completed, Makarov kills Allen, exposing him as an American, and turns him into a scapegoat for the brutal terrorist attack on the Russian airport. Enraged by what they believe is an American-supported terrorrist attack, Russia stages a surprise invasion of the United States East Coast. Meanwhile, Soap and Roach infiltrate a Russian airbase to recover a lost ACS module. Task Force 141 (a spec ops group formed to take down terrorist organizations, primarily Makarov's) works on taking down Makarov. Traveling to Rio de Janeiro, Task Force 141 attempt to chase leads on Makarov's contacts, which turn out to be dead ends. As a result, Soap decides to rescue one of Makarov's mosthated enemies from a Russian prison camp, called the Gulag, and use him as bait to draw him out. With assistance from the Marines and SEALs, Task Force 141 manages to free the prisoner, who is revealed to be Captain Price. Price agrees to help them track down Makarov, but knows that they must do something extreme to end the war. Temporarily going rogue, Price hijacks a Russin nuclear submarine and launches an ICBM at Washington D.C. However, he rigs the warhead to explode in the upper atmosphere, which destroys th International Space Station but saves Washington. The resulting electromagnetic pulse cripples both the US and Russian forces in the city, causing helicopters and jets to fall out of the sky and small things such as red dot sights not to work. Army Rangers in Washington discover that the Air Force will assume that Washington D.C. is lost and will carpet bomb the city. They fight their way to the Russian-controlled White House and set off green flares on the roof in time to save the city. Even though that conflict is over, Makarov is still at large. Narrowig his hiding place down to two separate locations, Task Force 141 splits up. Soap and Price go to the boneyards in Afghanistan, while Roach and Ghost raid Makarov's safehouse in the Caucasus Mountains. Roach and Ghost obtain vital intelligence to put an end to him for good. General Shepherd, however, betrayes them and kills both Roach and Ghost. Shepherd intends to tke advantage of the global crisis to turn himslf into a global her as wll as write history however he sees fit. Price and Soap manage to escape Shepherd's ambush, and decide to tke revenge on him in one final, bloody suicide mission. After their helicopter crashes, Soap (who the player takes control of after Roach is killed) attempts to stab Shepherd in a sandstorm. Shepherd is able to repell his attack and stabs Soap instead. Price rescues Soap temporarily and after a brutal fist-fight between Price and Shepherd, Soap manages to remove the knife from his abdomen and throw it into Shepherd's eye socket, killing him. Soap and Price both seriously wounded, Nikolai arrives to extract them. Price warns Nikolai that they will be international fugitives fo what they've done, but Nikolai tells them he knows a safe place to take them.

Special Ops

Modern Warfare 2 features a cooperative mode entitled Special Ops, which consists of independent missions similar in design to the "Mile High Club" epilogue mission from Call of Duty 4. These missions will take place in a variety of locations from the campaign mode, but are not related to story of the campaign itself. Special Ops mode can be played alone and also supports two player cooperative play, where it can be played with another player split-screen locally, or online. It includes such scenarios as a snowmobile race between the two players, one player providing airsupport from an AC-130 while the other player conducts operations on the ground, capturing an enemy compound and searching areas for and eliminating 40 or more enemies at a time. Special Ops is divided into five separate groups of missions which are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo. Each mission can be played at three difficulty levels which are regular, hardened and veteran. Successfully completing a mission earns the players stars, there are three stars available for each mission: one star for completing the mission on regular difficulty, two for hardened and three for veteran. Once enough stars are earned, more missions can be unlocked. Infinity Ward has stated that the total number of stars is 69, meaning there are 23 missions in total. At the end of each mission, a statistics screen displays how long the player took to complete the level and how many kills were scored, among other stats.


The online multiplayer mode of Modern Warfare 2 retains the same experience points and unlockable reward system of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, but also introduces several new features. Aside from new weapons and equipment, 15 different kill streak rewards can be unlocked and selected by the player. Among these is the ability to receive a supply drop after four kills, a predator missile strike after five kills, and to call in a strike by an AC-130 gunship after achieving 11 enemy kills in a row. It is also now possible to upgrade perks to a "pro version". Another new addition to online multiplayer is in-game host migration - if a match host leaves the game, instead of the match ending (as in Call of Duty 4), a 5 second 'host migration delay' allows a new host to be selected and the game to continue. There has also been the addition of a new 3rd person mode which can be used in certain game types for multiplayer. Game modes include Free-For-All, Search & Destroy, Demolition, Domination, Team Deathmatch, and Capture The Flag.

Final Word

All-in-all, Modern Warfare 2's immersive single-player and intense multi-player makes it one of the very best shooters out there. Go out and grab yourself a copy today.

9.5 / 10

Marine by God

10, November 1775

I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M-16 and my father was the devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I eat concertina, piss napalm, and I can shoot a round through a flea’s ass at 300 meters. I travel the globe, festering on anti-Americans everywhere I go, for the love of Mom, Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie. I’m a grunt. I’m the dirty, nasty, stinky, sweaty, filthy, beautiful little son of a bitch that’s kept the wolf away from the door for over 225 years. I’m a United States Marine. We look like soldiers, talk like sailors, slap the shit out of both them. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the rope from the Army, and the anchor from the Navy, and on the seventh day when God rested, we overran His perimeter and we’ve been running the show ever since. Warrior by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, Marine by God. Semper Fidelis.

-Generation Kill

Selfless Sacrifice

The selfless sacrifice of day-to-day military personnel, especially combat veterans, is underappreciated. And you got the American society wanting to run as fast as they can to the counter shop to the fucking newsstands and grab motherfucking “US Weekly”s and fucking “People” magazine just to see what fucking Jake Gyllenhaal did on Thursday afternoon. You know what I did Thursday afternoon? I put one of my motherfucking Marines on a plane. I put that motherfucker on a bird to fucking nowhere. I picked his lifeless ass-up body, put him on a stretcher and put him off. Why don’t they put that? Why don’t that be in a motherfucking magazine? Or how about let’s put a day in the life of fucking any average Marine out here going through the streets of Ramadi? Their biggest concern is that, you know, they couldn’t buy a mocha latte at fucking Starbucks because it was under construction. Our biggest motherfucking concern is getting blown up on fucking two-niner-five and Michigan. But we’re gonna go home and they’re gonna say, wave their little flag and say, “Welcome home. Thanks for – thanks for preserving our right to go on not giving a fuck.”

There it is, folks. We’re sitting here fighting for your freedoms. You got the right to say what you want. We got the right to punch you in your fucking mouth if we disagree.

-Generation Kill

UFC 105

UFC 105
UFC 105: Couture vs. Vera is an upcoming mixed martial arts event to be held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on November 14, 2009 in Manchester, England at the Manchester Evening News Arena. This event has been confirmed to air on Spike. A previously rumoured Lightweight Championship bout between BJ Penn and Diego Sanchez will not take place at this event according to Dana White. At the UFC 102 press conference White said it is likely that the fight will be moved to a third event in November which is at this time unannounced. It was later announced that the bout will take place at UFC 107. A bout between Antônio Rogério Nogueira and Luiz Arthur Cane has been moved to UFC 106. Dong Hyun Kim was forced to pull out of his bout with Dan Hardy due to an injury. He will be replaced by Mike Swick. The winner of Mike Swick vs. Dan Hardy is said to receive a title shot at Georges St. Pierre in early 2010. A previously announced bout between Peter Sobotta and DaMarques Johnson has been cancelled due to a military commitment for Sobotta.


Main Card
Light Heavyweight bout:
Randy Couture vs. Brandon Vera
Welterweight bout:
Mike Swick vs. Dan Hardy
Middleweight bout:
Michael Bisping vs. Denis Kang
Welterweight bout:
James Wilks vs. Matt Brown
Lightweight bout:
Ross Pearson vs. Aaron Riley

Preliminary Card
Welterweight bout:
Paul Taylor vs. John Hathaway
Lightweight bout:
Terry Etim vs. Shannon Gugerty
Welterweight bout:
Nick Osipczak vs. Matthew Riddle
Lightweight bout:
Paul Kelly vs. Dennis Siver
Light Heavyweight bout:
Alexander Gustafsson vs. Jared Hamman
Lightweight bout:
Andre Winner vs. Rolando Delgado

UFC 105 Ten Minute Preview:

UFC 105 One Minute Preview:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Infected Defense Force (IDF)

I've created a group of dedicated, trained professionals in the area of zombie killing. We at the IDF are dedicated to insuring your survival, and that of the human race. Join the ranks and resist the Infected! "Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Survive." If you are in Florida when the infection hits, seek us out. We are here, and we are very much alive.

Here is our youtube profile account link:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Zombie Survival: by Mark B

Zombie Survival - Rule List
by Mark Bronzini
1. Recognize the initial threat.
The hardest encounter to survive will be that first one or few infected that attack you. The last thing you will be thinking of is that it, or they, are zombies and need to be killed or else they’ll kill you. This is why this is the first rule. Recognize that initial threat and make sure you survive. After that, you will be at least more prepared for what they are and what your situation is.
2. No remorse.
There is a high chance that your immediate family members or other loved ones will be infected. In fact, they might be the ones that attack you during rule #1. You can not hesitate when it comes to killing infected loved ones, because they will not. If someone close to you is infected, count them as already dead, and think of it as putting them out of their misery – doing them a favor.
3. Recruit.
There is strength in numbers, but there is death in too many numbers. After surviving your initial attack, quickly search for any family members or others close to you in your vicinity. If you are inside and they are not, do not go out there, call them in swiftly. Warn them of what is occurring. A group of around 3-5 members is the best, but if you have more, healthy family members with you, you can’t deny them their lives. Grab your new recruits and continue to step #4.
4. Suit up.
Or rather, suit down. If there is any spare time after your initial attack, go to a bathroom or kitchen. Cut or buzz your hair, and wear only tight clothes. Infected have a habit of grabbing and pulling whatever they have towards them, this includes looses clothes and long hair. If you have any Under Armour, it is ideal. If not, anything else that is tight and easy to move in. Bulking up with extra clothes may sound like more protection from bites and other wounds. Wrong. More clothes = less agility. Less agility = death. Also, take off all jewelry you may be wearing and put on a pair of running shoes or anything else light and closed-toed. Boots such as combat boots are also acceptable.
5. Gear up.
You are not going out into the infected world with your bare hands. You may as well be naked and blindfolded. First you mush search for any firearms. The most common household guns include the shotgun, hunting rifle, and handgun. Any of these are great, but the hunting rifle is the least preferred, but don’t let that stop you from grabbing it. Remember to take the ammo! Grab as much of it as you can find. Some households may have more advanced, military-spec weaponry. This is great. These may include, but are not limited to: AK-47s and/or other assault rifles, military sniper rifles, and other, more powerful firearms. These are your priority. If no firearms are within your immediate reach, grab a baseball bat, crowbar, or something similar. Knives and other bladed weapons are not ideal, due to the much easier spread of infected blood caused by the wounds they create, but if there’s nothing else then they’ll do. Quickly grab any water bottles and canned food within your instantaneous reach – and don’t forget the can opener. Make sure you or anyone else with you watches the collector’s back.
6. Move out.
Do not stay in one place. Chances are that the outbreak is in the streets outside, and hunkering in where you are will only draw the remaining infected to your position. Instead move out while you still can, while the infected numbers are still growing. It will be harder to flee a city or town when the entire population have been infected, rather than escape during the chaos of the first few hours, if it lasts that long. The infected will not have reached their maximum number, plus there will still be distractions for them, such as the other struggling humans before they escape or turn. Resist the temptation to rush to your local gun store – unless you desperately need firearms and/or know that the outbreak has just started and the rush to the gun store will be non-existent to minimal. Chances are that you will not be the only one who thinks of that destination, and the surrounding area will be riddled with not only crazed and wild humans, but the infected that are after them as well. Flee your city first. If you must, take the car, especially if you’re not alone. If you have the choice and are by yourself or with one other, take the motorcycle. It can go faster and go places where a large vehicle can’t.
7. Focus on your goal.
What is your goal? Repeat after me: survive. That one word is your only objective, your sole purpose. Focus on this. Every side mission (searching for abandoned goods, occasional infected to kill, investigating strange noises) that you undertake will drastically increase your odds of being eaten. If you come across a stranded human in need of assistance or rescue, you are free to help. Use common sense, though. If the stranded is surrounded by infected or otherwise in a difficult place to help, leave him/her alone. There is no use in risking your personal safety. Again, use common sense.
8. Know where you’re going.
Have your destination in mind. Do not wander aimlessly around. Have a backup destination in case your primary one is overrun or impossible to get to. Always plan ahead.
9. Cardio.
You may notice that any survivor you run into will be in shape 99.9% of the time. The fat people were the first to go, due to their obvious inability to outrun or outmaneuver an infected. This isn’t mean, it’s a cold fact. Get in shape. You will not last long if you can’t run for extended distances.
10. Avoid large groups and train your own.
Stay away from large numbers. Like stated in rule #3, smaller group of around 3-5 people will be much safer. With added numbers comes added risk. The chances of one getting infected and spreading it on to the others increases with larger groups. If you are with a big group, you may find that the members will all become infected before you realize. Keep your own group in line. Make sure no one becomes too crazy, for they might mean the end of your life. Anyone who jeopardizes the survival of you and/or another group member is a threat and must be dealt with as such. Keep their head level, or cut it off.
11. Stay mobile, stay invisible.
Nothing will cause your death quite like remaining in one spot for too long. Infected will surely be made aware of your presence through some means, and when one knows where you are, they all seem to. You may find yourself completely surrounded by infected with no way out. The only way to avoid this is to move, and do so quietly. Never fire unnecessarily and avoid honking any horns or causing other pointless and avoidable noises. Stealth is just as great as an ally as mobility.
12. Look, listen, sleep.
Remain attentive. Situation awareness will be one of your best friends. Whenever possible, sit still and scope the surrounding terrain. Listen for any disturbances or other noises of note. Doing this too much, however, is lethal. One thing that the infected have over humans is their ability to remain active without the need to sleep or rest. You do not have that luxury. You must rest. If you’re in a group, take watches. If not, hide for a couple hours and sleep.
13. Stay away from urban areas.
Simple math: more humans = more infected. You may need to refuel your transportation, you may need to gather supplies, and you may need to search for survivors. Do this first in small towns. Small, roadside gas stations should be your first priority. Get as much gas as you can from these places. It is also recommended to map out your surrounding terrain. Mark the nearby towns, grocery stores, gas stations, and other locations of importance on your map and make your way through each necessary one. Only go into heavily populated urban areas in extreme and desperate circumstances and if you do, do not stay long. Especially avoid or flee these areas within the first days of the outbreak, due to the popular military tactic of “carpet-bombing” these cities in panic in their initial and probably only attempt at containing the infection.
14. No place is safe, only safer.
Remember that you will never be safe from the infected threat. You can only go to places safer than the one you currently stay. Refer to rule #11.
15. Stay entertained.
Boredom can quickly and surprisingly lead to madness and dementia. It can kill you just as easily as any infected. Find things to do and remain active. A group of rigid, tired humans will need nearly no excuse at all to turn on each other. Make sure that not only you are keeping yourself entertained, but also those with you.
Here are some other tips to keep you alive when the infected rule the earth:
Cardio – the fat ones get eaten first
Double tap – that one extra shot to the head will save your life, don’t be stingy with your ammo
Check the back seat – while getting a car, there’s always the one in the back
Beware bathrooms – you will be at your most vulnerable here
Travel light – you should always be on the move, so make it easy on yourself
Limber up – whenever scouting a new area or entering a new building, be prepared to run
Don’t be a hero – this will get you killed 90% of the time, for emergency-use only
Know your way out – having this detail known will mean your life, especially in unfamiliar buildings
Nut up or shut up – if you don’t have what it takes to cowboy up, find someone who is
Enjoy the little things – don’t forget why you’re trying to stay alive, keep yourself entertained
Zombie Dictionary:
Infected – one who has been bitten or otherwise contaminated by a zombie, anything looking to devour human flesh, your biggest threat
Stranded – any human who has not been infected who is in need of help or other assistance, considered safe but in many cases unpredictable, they may kill you just as any infected


Saturday, October 3, 2009


I watched this movie last night and was surprised how good it was. Going into the movie theater, I knew that this film was right up my alley, and the trailers looked very good, but I wasn't prepared for the laughs I received. You must understand that this movie isn't a horror flick. It is a comedy, much like Shaun of the Dead, with a few scary parts including an infected Amber Heard. The story focuses primarily on the male character known only as "Columbus" (Jesse Eisenberg), because he's from Columbus, Ohio. He narrates a lot of the movie from his point of view. He states that he has only survived in "Zombieland" because he has stayed within a strict set of rules he has created. Rule #1 - Cardio. Naturally, he says, the fat ones got eaten first. Rule #2 - Double Tap. That one extra shot to the head can, and will, save your life. He has other rules such as to check the back seat of a car, stay away from bathrooms, limber up in preparation to run, don't be a hero, know your way out, and he adds a new one - enjoy the little things (which is what the movie mostly seems to be about)- after meeting "Tallahassee" (Woody Harrelson), a renown zombie killer with a dark, yet funny, sense of humor when it comes to zombies. Columbus states that when Tallahasse kills zombies, he sets the bar of "not to be f***** with." It soon becomes clear to Columbus that Tallahassee's only objective is to find the world's last Twinkie, something that Columbus can only guess is a way for Tallahassee to remember a time before the outbreak. They run into two girls, "Wichita" (Emma Stone) and "Little Rock" (Abigail Breslin), who con them several times, taking their supplies and transportation. The four survivors soon create a bond, however, and realize what they're surviving for... the little things. Final word - this is a great "zomedy" and definitely delivers the laughs. Highly recommended for Rated R audiences. I'll definitely be buying this movie when it comes out on DVD. Here are some links:
Zombieland Trailer
A Little Off The Top
Rule #1 - Cardio
Rule #3 - Seatbelts
Rules #1,3,4
"Mamma Told Me"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

LOST: The Final Season

LOST: Season 6
Everyone knows that the next season of LOST, 6, will be it's last and final season. Above is the first LOST Season 6 promo poster. It features all of the original main characters, as well as several "dead" characters and some Flight 815 tail-end survivors. From left to right: Faraday, Boone, Miles, Michael, Anna Lucia, Charlotte, Shannon, Desmond, Eko, Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Ben, Sayid, Libby, Sun, Jin, Claire, Hurley, Juliet, Charlie, Lapidus, Richard, Bernard, and Rose. Also, note the strange hieroglyphics within the letters of "THE FINAL SEASON". What does it say? What does it mean? We're feeling mixed emotions of sadness, relief, and excitement. There are so many questions that we need answering, so many mysteries we need solved. Well, according to the producers and writers of the series, we will not be disappointed. Stephen McPherson, ABC Entertainmet President, announced that LOST will end during the 2010 season with a "highly anticipated and shocking finale." "We felt that this was the only way to give LOST a proper creative conclusion," McPherson said. Starting with the 2007-2008 season, the final 48 episodes were going to be aired as three seasons (4, 5, and 6), each with 16 episodes. Due to the writer's strike, however, the fourth season featured 14 episodes and season 5 had 17 episodes. Season 6 was scheduled to have 17 episodes as well, however, on June 29 it was announced that the final season will feature an additional hour, making the episode count 18. Executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have stated that they "always envisioned LOST as a show with a beginning, middle, and end," and that by announcing when the show would end that viewers would "have the security of knowing that the story will play out as we've intended." Lindelof and Cuse stated that securing the 2010 series end-date "was immensely liberating" and helped the series rediscover its focus. Lindelof said, "We're no longer stalling." The producers also plan to wrap up long-standing mysteries, such as the nature of the smoke monster, the four-toed statue of Taweret (the Egyptian Goddess of childbirth and fertility), and the identity of the skeletons from the season one episode "House of the Rising Sun". Matthew Fox (Jack Shepherd) stated in a recent interview that in the final season, the characters of Jack and John Locke "will come head to head." A third of the way through the final season, the two timelines will be "solidified into one" and "will be very linear... no more flashbacks, nothing." He has also claimed to be the only cast member who knows the ending of the series. Cuse has stated that both the time travel and flash-forward seasons are over, and they're moving into something different for the sixth season.
Well that is alot to think about and hold on to. Many of us are wondering which of our favorite and most missed dead losties will return and how, and we all want the organized tangle of mystery to be finally unraveled. I, for one, am one of LOST's biggest fans, and I'm sure everyone else like me can not wait until 2010 rolls by and the season 6 premiere airs. Until then, however, all we can do is wait and speculate on what we've been given. Here are the links to the 2009 Comic Con LOST panel:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Elisha Cuthbert
Another celebrity blog, this time about my second favorite actress, Elisha Cuthbert. She was born on November 30, 1982 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her major films include: Love Actually (2003), Old School (2003), The Girl Next Door (2004), House of Wax (2005), Captivity (2007), and My Sassy Girl (2008). My favorite of her's is by far The Girl Next Door. She has also been in the tv show, 24, from 2001-2004, 2006, and from 2008-present. She regularly secures a place in FHM and Maxim's annual "hottest women" lists. Her highest ranking was #4 in the 2008 UK Edition of FHM's 100 Sexiest Women in the World list. She was rank. She was ranked #14 in 2003, #10 in 2004, #5 in 2005, #22 in 2006, and #10 in 2007. The U.S. Edition ranked her #53 in 2003, #63 in 2004, and #54 in 2006. She was not listed in the U.S. 2005 list. Cuthbert was ranked #10 by readers in the list "Top 99 Women of 2007." Maxim named her #92 in its 2006 Hot 100 list and #6 in 2008, and the magazine features her in its Girls of Maxim Gallery. Here are a couple links to check out:
The Girl Next Door:
The Girl Next Door:

UFC 104

UFC 104
UFC 104 will air live on pay-per-view on October 24, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. The main event will feature the top UFC Light Heavyweight contender, Mauricio "Shogun" Rua, challenging the current champion, Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida. Machida is coming off of a second round KO win over the previous champion, Rashad Evans, during UFC 98 and Shogun is coming off of a first round TKO against Chuck Liddell. This will be Machida's first attempt to defend his title belt. It will also have Cain Velasquez vs Ben Rothwell as the co-main event. Velasquez is coming off of a three round unanimous decision victory over the dangerous French striker, Cheick Kongo. Rothwell is coming off of a first round TKO victory over Chris Guillen.

Light Heavyweight Championship bout: Lyoto Machida vs Mauricio Rua
Heavyweight bout: Cain Velasquez vs. Ben Rothwell
Lightweight bout: Gleison Tibau vs. Josh Neer
Lightweight bout: Joe Stevenson vs. Spencer Fisher
Welterweight bout: Anthony Johnson vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida

Middleweight bout: Yushin Okami vs. Chael Sonnen
Heavyweight bout: Antoni Hardonk vs. Patrick Barry
Middleweight bout: Jorge Rivera vs. Rob Kimmons
Light Heavyweight bout: Ryan Bader vs. Eric Schafer
Light Heavyweight bout: Kyle Kingsbury vs. Razak Al-Hassan
Heavyweight bout: Stefan Struve vs. Chase Gormle
UFC 104 - 30 Second Preview:
UFC 104 - 1 Minute Preview:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Kate Beckinsale is my all-time favorite actress. Born on July 26, 1973 in Finsbry Park, London, she is married to Len Wiseman, the director in her movie, Underworld. A beautiful and classy woman, I have loved watching her in films since I first saw Underworld. After that I wanted to watch her other great movies she was in such as Much Ado About Nothing (1993), Pearl Harbor (2001), Serendipity (2001), Van Helsing (2004), Underworld: Evolution (2006), Click (2006), Vacancy (2007), and I am looking forward to seeing her newest movie, Whiteout (2009). People will argue that Kate Beckinsale isn't the hottest actress out there, or the most talented. I don't care. To me she is the most beautiful and elegant woman in Hollywood. She would be the one actor/actress I would want to meet. Here are some links:
Underworld Bloopers
Coke Commercial
Whiteout Trailer
Mean Magazine Photoshoot
These are all great links to check out to get a glimpse of the great Kate Beckinsale.
"With every project you do, you bring out a part of yoursef, and it seems to be quite a good way of expanding a person."
-Kate Beckinsale

The Zed Word

Zombies. There are many movies and games about them, and there are people who would honestly love it if there was an actual outbreak. If an actual zombie apocalypse ever occurred, what would be the best way to survive? What would be the top ten things one would need? I've created a list here displaying what I think would be the most essential:

1. M1 Carbine OR M14 (for range, single-fire conserves ammo)
2. Pistol grip 12 Gauge shotgun (for close-quarters)
3. AK-47 (why not have the greatest, most reliable weapon ever created?)
4. .357 Magnum OR Glock 21 .45 (just in case)
5. Machete (never runs out of ammo, also useful for other things)
6. Satellite phone (communicate with other survivors, if any)
7. Canned foods or MREs (must have sustenance)
8. Water (must be hydrated)
9. Pair of binoculars or spotting scope
10. Group of about 3 other survivors

Of course, there are many more things that could be equally vital to one's survival, such as extra ammo, an attack helicopter, a tank, and a pair the size of watermelons and made of adamantium.

Movies of note on the subject include: 28 Days Later (2002), Dawn of the Dead (2004), I Am Legend (2007), 28 Weeks Later (2007), and Day of the Dead (2008). They're good movies not only in the zombie researcher side, but also from the point of view of a movie enthusiast. Also, Shaun of the Dead (2004) is a great comedy with zombies. The new Zombieland (2009) also looks promising.

For fellow zombie buffs out there, don't lose hope. The day might come when you wake up as usual and look outside your bedroom window to find people running from each other, cars crashing, and dark smoke plumes billowing in the distance. Whatever happens, remember: aim for the head.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lost in LOST

I had to write a quick blog about my all-time favorite tv show, LOST. I first heard about this show long before I started watching it. In fact, the show had already finished the third season and was a month or so away from the season four premiere. I was dogsitting for my friend who was in Ohio and I had his house to myself for a week and a half. I rented the first disk of season one at Blockbuster and I watched all four episodes that night. For the next ten days I rented every single disk from all three seasons. Sometimes I rented two disks, which is eight episodes, and would watch them in one go. I couldn't get enough of it. If you've never watched it, I highly recommend trying it out. The story mostly takes place on this mysterious island after Oceanic Flight 815 flying from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles crashes on it, somewhere in the South Pacific. It follows the lives of the crash survivors and what transpires on the island. They initially stay on the beach where the majority of the plane wreckage is, but as the days turn into weeks and so forth, they are forced to improvise and adapt in order to overcome and survive. I don't want to ruin anything, but the island holds many surprises for the survivors and everything is not as it always seems. There is something in the jungle, and the survivors may not be the only ones on the island. I was able to finish seasons one through three just in time for the premiere of season four. At the time of this writing, seasons four and five are already finished, and they were great seasons. The next and final season, six, will premiere in early 2010, a few months away. Hopefully the mysteries and questions raised in the first five seasons will be answered, but nonetheless, LOST is undoubtedly one of the greatest show on television, and I am lost in it. Thank you abc. If you've seen and liked LOST, check out FlashForward, abc's new show. Some say it's the new LOST... we'll see.

UFC vs Boxing

Which is better? Mixed Martial Arts or boxing? Is MMA "human cock-fighting"? As Joe Rogan once said, boxing is the sport of punching, and MMA is the sport of fighting. Some say that boxing takes more conditioning and skill, but others say that the UFC is much more punishing to the body and more exciting to watch. Personally, I think that the UFC is infinitely more interesting and dynamic than boxing. Just recently on September 19, 2009, I went to a sports bar to watch UFC 103: Franklin vs Belfort. It was on one of the main tv screens, but just a few feet away, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. vs Juan Manuel Márquez was also playing. Two huge events from two completely different organizations having pay-per-view fights on the same night at the same time. Half of the sports bar was watching the boxing while the other half was watching the UFC fight. I could tell who was watching what fight by the screams when someone got knocked out or hit on either of the fights. It didn't take long, however, for me to notice that the boxing half of the sports bar ended up watching the UFC fight. To me this shows how much more interesting MMA is compared to boxing. Now I have no bad words for boxing, and I respect the fighters, but MMA and the UFC is without a doubt, to me, much better.

Here is a YouTube link discussing UFC vs Boxing: